
Teresa Roberts Logan is a multi-disciplinary artist and award-winning cartoonist, who focuses on visual storytelling through paintings and comics, using a bold graphic approach.

From a long line of quiltmakers, she works in various media, utilizing mostly ink and gouache or acrylic with collage elements while making use of techniques such as beadwork on reclaimed billboard vinyl or other upcycled materials, as part of her overall compositions.

Presenting themes of womxn and the roles they inhabit in culture, she celebrates womxn as centers of life, community, and power. She depicts masks and symbols, weaving them in throughout her works, to convey underlying meaning. Her practice involves working from small works on paper to large works on canvas. Logan hopes to open up new conversations about womxn’s spiritual place and cultural advancement in our world, with regards to how they break free of the categories that prejudice usually assigns through gender, age, or station in life. Womxn are the source, and the connectivity, and womxn survive. They outlast.

Her mixed media works are in the collections of Kyoko Ono and Whoopi Goldberg. She is based in Pittsburgh, PA, and is a member of Touchstone Gallery in Washington, DC.




